Core Values

Sincerity, Down-to-earth, Perfection, Intelligence, Innovation and Enterprise

The core values of Jianghao Technology are refined in different stages of the development of the enterprise, and play an important motivational significance in each stage.
Stage 1: the company is in the start-up period, in the stage of rapid business growth, the number of customers and the demand is getting higher and higher, in this stage, the emphasis is more on the unity of the work state
Stage 2: the company has been successfully listed, upgraded from a private private enterprise to a public enterprise, platform enterprise; at this stage, the company’s popularity increases, the platform effect is obvious, attracting more talents and resources to join, the collision of old and new ideas and methods is more obvious; at this time, the emphasis is more on the unity of professionalism

Let’s start by looking at what values. In fact, these six words are very simple and we see them often, right? Sincerity, Practicality, Perfection, these six words are often seen. But these six words actually have some special meaning in our company. Let’s look at the order in which these six words appear. Just introduced to you, the first to appear is the last three words, called collect wisdom, innovation, enterprising, these three words are we first appeared that time when the company is what kind of a state? That is what we just said is almost 2010 to that 17 years, we listed before the seven years of time, that time we are in what kind of stage? At that time, we were not the number one in the industry, not even number two. At that time there was a very well-known company, the owner is Li Ka-shing’s brother-in-law opened, then our company’s development is still very weak, the overall strength or arm twisting the big leg. So what did we emphasise more at that time? That is, what kind of features and advantages we have to be able to compete in the same industry to stand out? We rely more on a rapid response to such a mechanism, and even beyond the customer’s expectations, for example, the customer only hope that you put it to help him to make this product, then perhaps we can help customers to some of his previous has been pending some of the problems, to the customer more is the surprise. We are through this way to continue to win the trust of customers, and continue to obtain the customer’s market share.

Our interpretation of sincerity is this: the heart of others, do not tell lies, dare to admit mistakes, things not to people; first of all, the first heart of others, first of all, we hope that every manager is sincere to care about the subordinates, care about his growth and harvest. There is a rule in our promotion rules, when you want to promote to the position of deputy minister or above, it is necessary to have to cultivate a successor, if you do not cultivate a successor. If you do not train a successor, then your career in Precision Technology may come to an end that you may have been only in this position, you one day in your department, you have trained a person who can hold his own, and even be able to take over the work of your staff, then you have the opportunity to go up. We hope to cultivate a culture of caring for subordinates. Second, do not tell lies, the boss often tell an example of what he thinks do not tell lies, one day a person asked Mr Wang how much money in the family, Mr Wang does not want to share private information, he would say it is not convenient to tell but also will not make up a number to tell others. This is also something our company has always emphasised. Third, dare to admit mistakes. This is for all of our administrators, whether you are as a subordinate or as a superior, there must be such an open-minded such a broad-minded. For example, in the department meeting, if other people put forward your mistakes, put forward some different opinions, if it is indeed our mistakes, to dare to admit. The fourth, not to the matter. Many times you will find a very interesting phenomenon.
Jiangren’s main purpose of doing things is to do this thing well. In this process, if your request is reasonable, if your starting point is reasonable, we will dilute this so-called hierarchy of this relationship, in the work of the task, you can Ait the other departments of the vice president, the need for support to do what things, do not have to be reported to the layers, reduce the efficiency of things.
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2, down-to-earth: In Jianghao, our requirements are to do things by heart, not to do superficial articles, not to cater for the superiors to slip, may be other companies your superiors will decide your development, promotion, salary. But in Jianghao, a lot of our business is project-based, the project is done well or not done well, there will be customers to evaluate the work performance is relatively intuitive, just need you to be down-to-earth, conscientious, accountable for everything, pieces have to fall, everything has a reply, will certainly live up to your efforts. The focus of our Jianghao is to seriously complete our work, all to meet the customer for the purpose. In one of our essay writing activities, a colleague wrote a story to share with you, Valentine’s Day on 14 February to travel to Dongguan to confirm the DFM report with the customer, his wife also flirted with him, said two consecutive years of Valentine’s Day are on a business trip, mocking that the cleaner, slipping away. But not yet departed to receive A customer’s email, veto programme, details are not satisfied, he knew a Hongmen Banquet can not be avoided, rushed to Dongguan night for tomorrow’s customer meeting. Who can imagine 5 men in the night of Valentine’s Day on the computer racking their brains to optimise the mould design, holding a mini projector to check the DFM page by page to two or three o’clock in the morning scene, the next day sincere apology, efforts to rectify the situation, and get the recognition of the A customer team Addy grandpa. We have grown up under the leadership of our customers while satisfying them, and we can’t help but learn the requirements of professionalism as well as the extreme requirements of pursuing perfection.

3, perfect: constantly beyond, perfect. This perfect has two points, the first thing to say is to do things: always have room for improvement, meticulous details, and constantly meet the needs of customers. Here is the first story to share with you, in 19 years we set up a special Jianghao Craftsman Award, why would we set up this award, the starting point is that in July and August of that year we received a letter of thanks and praise letters from our customers, if the project is done well, it seems that our customers are more like to send out some letters of thanks. What was the reason for this? Far beyond the standards set by the customer to us, understand the quality of colleagues may know, if the quality of the error range of 0.1-0.5, if we are close to 0.3, the customer will be released for shipment. Then we have a colleague in the mould department, he is very high on their own requirements are very high, he said no, hard to grind his precision to a standard far beyond the customer’s requirements, at that time we asked him to say that the customer side has said that can be released, the other that that size is actually very difficult to achieve, why do you still want to insist on going to do it to this extent? He returned a sentence I was very impressed, he said: First of all, I made it this precision represents the level of our Jianghao mould department. Since we say we are the most powerful mould department in East China, the things we make are also the most powerful. That’s the first meaning of what he said. What about the second meaning. We can only get more shares from our customers if we can show them the level of our best moulds.
The second is the requirement of being a human being: continuous learning, improve cognition and knowledge, and constantly cultivate and improve the self big picture and mind. The company is growing very fast and expanding its territory, and we will have a lot of new and unknown work content to add. For example, before the company is doing consumer electronics (mobile phones, watches, bracelets, etc.), 18 years we set up the transmission division, began to do the combination of parts, sell a string of parts to others. Then we set up a heat dissipation division to make heat sinks, this process has changed drastically from before, and now we have acquired Antec, a shenzhen company that makes headphones, and GSG at the confidentiality stage. will be exposed to new challenges, and if we don’t continue to learn, then we’ll be out of business as well. Of course there are both challenges and opportunities. We are also getting bigger and bigger, offering a lot of positions and opportunities for advancement. Previously, our A Park B Park is still called South Park North Park, but the boss found that it is not right, South East and North West can be described as too few sites, so it was changed to A Park, B Park, at least there are twenty-six letters, unsurprisingly, our C Park will soon be completed, across the street of the United States of America’s processing plant is also changed by us into a D Park. Every social workplace will worry that the company is a carrot, there is no opportunity for development, but Jianghao is not, there are a large number of positions and opportunities left for everyone to struggle and fight. We hope that every colleague working in Jianghao can keep this passion of learning. There are many young people in Jianghao, and they are all very young and energetic. If we are stagnant, we may be caught on the beach by the waves one day.

4, set wisdom: at that time we emphasise more set the meaning of wisdom, that is, we made any decision, should not be a person pat his head out, but everyone in the team, everyone should play their own wisdom, he will have the ability to do so. This has always been our advocacy and instil such a concept. I give you a simple example, for example, we are here today a dozen people, we are a team, for example, I am the project manager of this project, I give you a directive, need to go in a certain direction. If it is obvious that you find us in the meeting that this direction is wrong, what are our requirements? At this time you should not remain silent, but also not to let you argue with him, you should put their most professional side of the support and advice and then said, do not have to worry about saying that I am not a newcomer? Am I not familiar with the company’s business? I said a lot of things are not biased, these are actually not important. What is important? You must build up a sense of awareness, and also have that feeling of throwing out your own ideas, and dare to share your own ideas, such a kind of spirit.

5, innovation and enterprising: we then in order to run the horse, in order to get more customers market share, we made a lot of that performance at that time, is considered to be even impossible to achieve such a number of tasks. Well, I’ll give you two simple examples, for example, we are in the 3C industry, the first customer who is the first customer is Vivo, Vivo before no MIM process to do parts, are using CNC to do, those OEMs to do supporting some of the suppliers, basically have tens of thousands of units of the car at home, you have a few hundred units, a few thousand units of the this are too late to do. At that time this vivo it has a product, he has to find that he wants to ship, every year this August, September is the peak shipping season, suddenly one day one of his suppliers told him that his side is too late, and then they are through various channels to understand that our industry MIM technology seems to be able to deliver the product, he held the attitude of trying. The fastest time for a regular project is three months, or four months if it’s normal. Three to four months, right? Then you know that the vivo than our existing from the mould to the finished product called what ah? How long did it take us? You don’t know. Seven days. That’s something we still talk about with great gusto, and it was unthinkable at the time. But there was no way, because this was the first time we hit the 3c industry. Everyone then we only have a belief, to make this project, made us this company on the good, this project if not done, we will be the end of the company. All the people in the heart are holding their breath, is that we must take this project, the customer is stunned, the customer did not think we can really finish. This is the first example we talked about. The second example is the first metal fan we made. In the past, fans for laptops were all plastic, right? Plastic moulding. We made the world’s first metal fan for Lenovo. It’s very thin, very thin, and then the fan blades are very dense, and the key point is that it has to be moulded in one go. Because if you know anything about moulds, if you use CNC machining to make it, it’s definitely better, but if you make it in one go through the moulds, the technical requirements for the moulds are very high, and the requirements for the structure and size of the moulds are very strong. So we were also a satisfactory answer. We in ten years ago, everyone’s work is also very pure, hold a force, so the three words are enough for everyone.

Enterprising: full of vigour full of motivation
The true meaning of progress is to maintain a sense of crisis at all times, and constantly stimulate ourselves to improve ourselves. Endeavouring to keep pace with the enterprise on the road of continuous development and customer demand improvement.

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